Friday, August 26, 2011


                 Untouchability has been abolished under the constitution and it is practice in any from is forbidden. Amole provision has also been made to discourage it by providing for punishment under the untouchability offences  Act of  1955 A.D. unfortunately, all this is has not achieved the desired reslts and untouchability continues to exist in some from or the  in different parts of the country. Lower caste people are not allowed to touch water and other things, especially in the rural area. Mahatma Gandhi told the so called lower caste people as harijans, the children of Hari or God. The Harijans are tortured by other people.
                Untouchability has been abolished by law and its practice is a criminal offence punishable with jail. Sentence still it is practiced In the some backward village by backward people. The roots of untouchability lie deep in the human snobbery. The egoism of very man makes him think that he is superior to all other in one respect or another. When he find that other excel him in all other things he (the purans) which rightly interpreted divide mankind into four vocational divisions by occupations, not by birth. There are some sophist who say that the origins of caste and untouchability are hygienic. We also see that the habits of Brahmins are superior and batter than the sweepers. Other people say that when the Aryans came to India, they were cleaner in habits than the unhygienic avorgines and that for reasons of cleanliness a line had to be drawn at inter marriages and inter- dining between the two races. This is not true. The reason of untouchability are not hygienic but social. The untouchability came in the consideration of caste as higher rank people & lower rank people.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How I spend my free time

How I spend my free time
                I am a student of campus level. The name of campus is Dolekha multiple campus. My name is ramesh thapa. I study in the certificate level. My duty is to study hard all time but I seldom walk and play games. I go to campus in the morning at about 6.00’0 cock. My campus started at 6. 15 a/m. and ends at 10.00 am. It is the morning shift. The faculty of comers and social starts in the morning I study in the campus time and return back home. I take lunch and take rest for sometimes. My daily duty is reading magazines and playing with friends. In the afternoon, I play badminton & table tennis with my collage pals. Some times I spend the time by playing volleyballs, basket ball & chess with the friends.
            After playing, I return home and do my homework. After taking tea & snacks, I walk to gardens, street etc and take could breeze for the health. I spend my free time in the time of short and long vacations. Because of the collage pupils, we get 3 vacation in the year the winter vacation is held from 15th Push to 15th Magha. I go to my village in Tehrathum district in the winter vacation for 15 or 20 days. There are my grand parents and uncles. I pleasantly spend my free time in this village with my grand parents. My grand mother is always active so she works hard in the field and cattle sheds. I spend the days there unknowingly. After returning, other days are easily sent until the campus starts.
                                                                                                            ~ Written by: indra thapa

Advantage & Disadvantages of Village Life

Advantage & Disadvantages of Village Life
A village is a place where there are few houses and the density is thin. In a country, there are a few cities but more villages. In a villages, we find peace and calm. A village is called the heaven of a country because we find natural beauty. In a village the life is simple. The villagers spend their lives quietly. We are free from noise of the town. In a village, there air is no pollution of air, water, sound and solid violates. In the village, the air is fresh and we fell healthy environment. We don’t get dirty air. There is no rubbish. The house are few so we freely walk here and there. We don’t get ground of the vehicle as towns.
      Farmers are obedient in the village and they are not cruel greedy as the urban people. The vegetables, fruit, milk, butter etc. are fresh and pure in the town they are not fresh but mixed & polluted. The drinking water is also pure and clean. Water supply’s not perhaps piped but there are more and more fountains, taps and falls in a village. The jungle always offers good breeze and pure delight. The wild animals given extra pleasure to the people are the healthy by getting a lot of food grain, cattle product and freshness. Honesty, hard labour, natural beauty, obedience etc. are found in village but a city is crowded & polluted. The melody of the birds, the tall tree & grass etc affect us well so a village is the heaven of the earth.

The Flood

The Flood
A flood is rising the quantity of water in a stream or river or lake because of heavy rain. In the rainy seasons rivers & canals are full to the brim and water rises so high that it overflows the banks. This overflow destroys the settlement of the people & crops. It is the disastrous tuition of the flood.
The flood is caused in many ways. Sometimes rain falls heavily for more days continuously then the rain water or mountains flows down the river. As the result the river can’t hold a lot of water so the water flows down the river and floods the adjacent lands. Sometimes the snow melts in the mountains and mixes into the rivers, as the result, the flood is made. A flood also caused by the breaking of the embankment of a river. The water of the river rushes though the beach & floods a vast tract of land. Recently the government has made many dams to store the surplus water of some river in Nepal. The dams will help to prevent the flood. But these dams sometimes become full to the brim so sending the stored water outside is very necessary. As a result, a sudden rush of water over flows the banks of the rivers & canals & cause flood.
We can’t fully check the occurrence of the flood. We should try to dig a large number of passage for water. Rivers must have walls in edges of both side near the towns and village. Some of the river banks should be raised and embankments must be strong. We must plan to make dames to store the excess water of these rivers. The flood is a great evil, however, a flood makes the soil fertile. It  washes away all the dirty things, rubbish and all impurities of land. But flood, it is an enemy.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


            Discipline is the habit of action well in accordance with the certain rules. It is obedience to the orders of the proper authority. We have to act according to some rules at home, at school and campus, in a police place and everywhere. Our parents tell us to do so something and we do it. Our teachers tell us to do and so, do we. We willingly carry out their wishes & order, obedience & discipline are great virtues. Without a discipline, we can’t prosper in this world. There cannot be peace or happiness in the family if there is no discipline there. All the family must obey the head of the family. Therefore one must learn the lesson of discipline at home at first we have obey the orders of superiors.
      We can’t get any success & good life without discipline. There can’t be any success or progress without obedience & discipline. Discipline & obedience are roots for the progress of this world. Discipline at home is the first lesson to us. Parents love us, wish our good future. Whatever they bid us to do is for our goodness. We must not do what they forbid us to do. If we do as we like, than we can be ruined. We must try to it keep us controlled. Controlling ourselves is primary lesson discipline. Home discipline is the foundation of best man in society & country. We must control our mind from bad habits as addiction over freedom & aliens in every work. Respecting the parents, obeying their orders, loving to friends- both juniors & seniors, studying hard, doing home tasks, being clean & tidy etc. are symbols of discipline.
      Thus we find that discipline is needed in every walk of like. We should learn this habit in our boyhood. It is the backbone of character. Those are friends who tried to do what we like a bad thing. Those people are our best friends who indicate our mistakes and guide to the right ways.
Writer: by indra thapa