Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My hobbies

My hobbies

            A hobby is a special interest in our life. We can say that hobbies are occupations in our leisure hours. They afford us relaxation or amusement. Hobbies are not related with our man business in life. They can be also profitable, but their significance, lies in the fact that they are recreations and not a piece of compulsory work. All recreations & amusements are not hobbies: for instance gossiping, going to a talkie or attending a musical performance, are not hobbies, stamp collecting, gardening, painting, photography, swimming, making resorts etc. are the best examples of hobby. Such things are superior kind of recreation, for they provide intellectual enjoyment. A happy feature about a hobby is that it lacks seriousness- for, a hobby pursued in a serous spirit becomes a task. Special hobbies can make a man great in this future.
            I am a student of campus level. My name is kamal tamang. Now I am studying in Bachelor’s level. My special hobbies are cycling, stamp collecting &photography. I study hard form my batter life. I always wake up in the morning and do my regular work. After my breakfast, I start to study 2 hours. I go to campus at 9:30 am I usually return from the campus at 4:30 p.m. in my leisure time I make stamp collecting, photography and cycling. There are some value in stamp collecting. I want to discuss stamp collecting. Several resort to it is as a hobby. We carefully remove the stamp from letter that we see and get.

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