Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Flood

The Flood
A flood is rising the quantity of water in a stream or river or lake because of heavy rain. In the rainy seasons rivers & canals are full to the brim and water rises so high that it overflows the banks. This overflow destroys the settlement of the people & crops. It is the disastrous tuition of the flood.
The flood is caused in many ways. Sometimes rain falls heavily for more days continuously then the rain water or mountains flows down the river. As the result the river can’t hold a lot of water so the water flows down the river and floods the adjacent lands. Sometimes the snow melts in the mountains and mixes into the rivers, as the result, the flood is made. A flood also caused by the breaking of the embankment of a river. The water of the river rushes though the beach & floods a vast tract of land. Recently the government has made many dams to store the surplus water of some river in Nepal. The dams will help to prevent the flood. But these dams sometimes become full to the brim so sending the stored water outside is very necessary. As a result, a sudden rush of water over flows the banks of the rivers & canals & cause flood.
We can’t fully check the occurrence of the flood. We should try to dig a large number of passage for water. Rivers must have walls in edges of both side near the towns and village. Some of the river banks should be raised and embankments must be strong. We must plan to make dames to store the excess water of these rivers. The flood is a great evil, however, a flood makes the soil fertile. It  washes away all the dirty things, rubbish and all impurities of land. But flood, it is an enemy.

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