Sunday, August 7, 2011

My last day at school

My last day at school
only one school and the name of the school was Shree budavamesain higher secondary school Dolakha, charikot. Passed long 10 years in that school That long period was associated with memories of various kinds. I had come in contact with many student. I liked most of the school teacher, there a few teacher who ware rather grave but others were hard working, kind and friendly. On the whole the relation between the teachers and the student was very nice. I had great respect with my teachers, misses & the Headmaster. The Head Miss treaded all the pupils like her own children.
            At last, the period of happy 10 years came to an end. It was time to leave my school because I passed the sent- up test. After that I had to take the S.L.C. the results of our test examination were published and all the pupils started to be ready for the S.L.C. we are asked to submit our examination fees and other dues. Accordingly along with other student I went to school life. One of the teachers received our so that the accountant handed over the application from to fill up for the coming S.L.C.
            Then after we were asked to assemble in the hall there was a farewell ceremony organized by student union. All the teacher and the Head Miss we are also invited there. There were our junior friends. The Head- miss come and took her seat. Our English teacher started the program. He spoke and welcomed the student and the participants. Other teacher spoke and advised us to work hard in further studies. We are asked to pay attention to our health. We bowed down to them and they blessed and wished for our success. It was custom of the school that the boys & girls of class I & 9 would meet and bid farewell to the going student. All other friends met us, spoke a few words, for our farewell. Some of them presented some photo albums, books, pen, diaries etc. we were treated to light refreshment. Other colleagues made speeches suited to the occasion. Some of us said some words in reply.

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