Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Unemployment problem

Spending all the time without any work or no getting money from any job is called   unemployment. We  very  often of the problem of unemployment in Nepal. The problem of unemployment and the public places, travelling, parks, streets homes, school, campuses and even in the House of Representatives and the National assembly in Nepal. More have no job for earning to live. Unemployment is a serous problem in Nepal fore more years. If a lot of people have no jobs, its effect is bad for a country. A man without any employment is a burden to other and a nation. If he should maintain a family, the development. Such individuals commit crimes to live and feed children. They may create troubles & spread discontent. In fact, they are the sources of danger to society & the country.
          The main course of unemployment are mainly the rapid growth of population, the prevailing system of education and und development of industry and trade. The population of Nepal is growing very rapidly. Now the total population of Nepal is 21 million so it is very difficult to get jobs for all who are in need of it. Now Nepal has democracy system. We hade the restoration of Democracy in 2046. VS. before democracy, our situation was worse. In kings or communist or administrators used to get jobs. If somebody was blamed as communist or revolutionary or against the police report, he could not get jobs in his life. In this way, there were more unemployed person. There employed persons in the governmental and non- governmental sectors should have obeyed to the capitalists & corrupted political leaders.

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