Monday, August 8, 2011


A  braham  Lincoln has said that democracy is for the people of the people & by the people. Democracy means freedom from various affairs. There more types of freedom which are political freedom, religious, social, economical, cultural freedom etc. The freedom can be again divided into 2 ways. They are spiritual freedom & physical freedom. In the spiritual freedom, we must be saints & leave the worldly tasks but it is impossible in this age so that physical freedom can be effective. In the physical independence, there must be human rights, multiparty system constitutional monarchy and sovereignty in the people.
Democracy is far batter than despotism. It offers the only hope for mankind of freedom, of justice and of peace. In a democratic country there are free opportunities for the countrymen. Britain is the first and leading country for democracy. Nowadays, Britain, the U.S.A., Italy, France, India, Nepal etc. have full freedom. Other countries in the world are also practicing democratic principles. Democracy is the solution of every problem of the people. Despotism is sin and it captures all the right of the people. According to Rousseau every body is born free but everywhere he in chain. Man takes birth freely but he is always suffered by his needs & daily problem. It is way he should get all the rights from the rulers. We have to choose and learn as a democracy to choose our governors wisely, by reason not greed. We have in an economically flattened society to find me who will undertake office in public spirit, not for personal gain or glory. We must carry on the aristocratic tradition with out the aristocrats, we have keep open channels for new ideas of power. We seam to have solved for the present problems of fully employment in a free society gives rise- how to preserve the value of our money against endless rice of costs, wages & prices, and how without fear of unemployment to secure the maximum of output.

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