Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Population problem (birth control)

Population problem (birth control)
      There are more people in the world. Population is being increased in an alarming rate. Malthus, a mathematician has told that human population always increases to limit of the food available. Now a days because of the modern facilities education, death rate is decreased, as a result there are more & and more people. In the past population was automatically controlled because war, famine and disease exercised a natural control on the growth of world population. At that time there was n using of medicine and people used which doctor & magicians for controlling diseases but the situation is different. People were uneducated in the past so more people lost their lives because of their ignorance. In the Great war, more people died so there were a few people in the world.
          After 1800 new scientific technique was applied so that people started to restrict the disease. People started to be aware and peace was formed, as a result war was lowered and population increased. A few people were killed in the w ar. More medicines were made and physicians treated the patients. As result of scientific research, after 1950 western countries began practicing birth control. The U.S.A. &U.K. tried to research for artificial birth control method &natural method. But natural method is not reliable.
          The increase in world population projected for the decades immediately ahead are staggering. It took from the beginning of man to about 1840 A.D., for world population to reach the first billion. After 100 years, the population was 2 billion and in 1960 A.D., it was about 3 billions. There is not effectiveness in family planning so that now the population of the world it about 6 billion. If this trend continues, the population probably will be 12 billion by 2040.

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