Sunday, August 7, 2011

A job of teaching

A job of teaching
Knowledge is important for a man. Without knowledge, man and animal are not different. Because of knowledge and wisdom, man is very different and higher then other animals. But things important knowledge it not secured itself, a teacher is needed to give knowledge to the learners. A job of teaching is always respected and dignified. If we have no teacher, our children can’t be literate and wise. The brain of a child is fair like a white sheet of paper. He learns every things from his birth & his blank brain is started to be filled by good and bad things. Therefore a teacher teaches him positive things. A has been respect since the ancient times. This tradition is developed from ‘Gururkul’ it means the place of teacher. At that time pupils used to respect their teacher as the good and parents. Slowly that tradition was changed into modernism.
        Now a days Gurus are called teacher & professors. All the teacher and professors have to labour hard for the effective teaching. They seem very lebourious for the benefit to the learners. At schools, teachers have to work for full time and they should look after the pupils as the present. Children come to school so that all the teachers are like the guardians for them. They teach, maintain the discipline for them, start examination, check copies, allow to make hometask, make observations to them etc. in this way they work hard for the teaching. They make lesson plant and according to the plan they must teach. Without studying at first and making a plan how can they teach properly? Therefore their man work is an effective teaching. They have secret things and impartiality in teaching as well as examination. They never apply hello- effect to the learns they look after equally.   

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