Tuesday, August 23, 2011


            Discipline is the habit of action well in accordance with the certain rules. It is obedience to the orders of the proper authority. We have to act according to some rules at home, at school and campus, in a police place and everywhere. Our parents tell us to do so something and we do it. Our teachers tell us to do and so, do we. We willingly carry out their wishes & order, obedience & discipline are great virtues. Without a discipline, we can’t prosper in this world. There cannot be peace or happiness in the family if there is no discipline there. All the family must obey the head of the family. Therefore one must learn the lesson of discipline at home at first we have obey the orders of superiors.
      We can’t get any success & good life without discipline. There can’t be any success or progress without obedience & discipline. Discipline & obedience are roots for the progress of this world. Discipline at home is the first lesson to us. Parents love us, wish our good future. Whatever they bid us to do is for our goodness. We must not do what they forbid us to do. If we do as we like, than we can be ruined. We must try to it keep us controlled. Controlling ourselves is primary lesson discipline. Home discipline is the foundation of best man in society & country. We must control our mind from bad habits as addiction over freedom & aliens in every work. Respecting the parents, obeying their orders, loving to friends- both juniors & seniors, studying hard, doing home tasks, being clean & tidy etc. are symbols of discipline.
      Thus we find that discipline is needed in every walk of like. We should learn this habit in our boyhood. It is the backbone of character. Those are friends who tried to do what we like a bad thing. Those people are our best friends who indicate our mistakes and guide to the right ways.
Writer: by indra thapa

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