Sunday, August 7, 2011

A public park

A public park
A  park is beautiful think, which  from the crowded and smokeful area. In the big cities, house stand side by side. There is not enough open space in many houses. The alleys are very narrow so the vehicles don’t enter to them. People want free air & light. In my houses people don’t enjoy sun’s rays at all. More house have 2 or more stories. The ground floor is very unhealthy and we fiend underground rooms also which are very dark. Poor people are forced to live there because of the lack of income. Besides, all the streets are not wide. The narrow lanes don’t receive sunlight. Generally, children & women don’t go out so they have to remain confined in unwholesome rooms. Many men have to work hard in office. When they come back home, they have to breath in fresh space.
            Now a days  Ratna Park being polluted. People visit this place, throw papers, break flower & destroy the beauty. In the side corner of it, they piss & sheat. Because of that behavior, this park is started to be smelt badly. Beggars sleep on the grass & bring polluted things. In the late evening, ruffians bring prostitutes and illegal works. However, the gardens make strong duty & close the main gates in other times except in the early evening but this duty is not frequent.  In the north side of it, mazes are burnt and sold but they throw jackets of maize and cobs. The husk of fruits are thrown here and there. We must be careful for the cleanness of the park. Metropolitan city must be careful for the improvement of this park.
            There are some park, which are used exclusively by ladies. A municipality or Metropolitan City or government must provide necessary park in city or town.

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