Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Value of Games in Education

The Value of Games in Education
            Games play an important role in our life and education. Education aims at full development of the human personally. The human personality has several side and it is the purpose of education to develop all these side, so, that the individual may attain has full stature. Man has body, spirit and mind. Therefore all the things should be developed equally. Games increase our physical and spiritual, accordingly education spiritual development as well as the modern development of man. It is a very narrow view  of education to think that education merely gives knowledge to human beings and thus fits him for the purposes of earning his livelihood, but education does  much more than this.
            Education needs games and other relaxation for the balance to learn. Education can’t ignore the physical side of man. Man has been blessed with the beautiful body. Poets, painter sculptors have gone into raptures over the human body and have tried to depict it in their arts in many ways. Games help to keep our body healthy and fit. Physical fitness and freedom from all kind of ailments are the desire & ambition of very human being. Indeed, good health is the first condition of happiness in life. Those person who play games generally maintain good health. Games are excellent means of bodily exercise. A part from building the body games are an excellent recreation or time pass in life.
            The name of my campus is Dolakha Campus. I am student so that we take part in sports. We prefer to play more types of games. When we get leisure period, period we play foot ball, Basketball, snake & Ladder etc. Those games are the activities for extra times. We have a football team, Basketball team & Boxing team. Sometimes, we play with other campuses and local teams. we, mostly, win the games so that we take enjoy.      

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